Engineering Services

Engineering Services at Any Stage of Your Project

Whether you’re starting the R & D on a new product, or you’ve launched the assembly line and have a glitch, our engineering services team can get you to market faster – with a better product.

Our veteran product specialists have unparalleled experience in solving design problems across industry lines. Get us involved, and we’ll help you troubleshoot, streamline your process and reduce the time it takes you to get your product on the market.


laserlabelGleicher Manufacturing - Adhesive Converting Services Sourcing the ideal solution involves questioning on a number of fronts: What are the exposures? What are the substrates? etc. The perfect time to consult with our engineering team is during your R & D phase. That’s because identifying potential flaws in the process early on can help you keep your costs down. We can help you choose a source material and a cutting method and provide you with samples.. describe the image

In production

slider-materials-converted-solutionsMaybe you’re already in the manufacturing phase, but you’ve got a problem that needs a solution. Let us help you brainstorm a change in materials to make your product lighter, thinner and stronger. Or perhaps the problem is in the process. We can help you brainstorm a method to make things run smoother and faster. Ask about our Application Review Program.

We’re happy to let you pick our brains for information. That’s why we’re here – to help you keep up with today’s trends.



Would you like to speak with one of our specialists?

Call us directly:
(888) 818-5798