Guide to Designing Medical Devices using
3M Tapes, Adhesives, and Fasteners

Designing 3M

When engineers call us, they often have one specific question on a material they need for a new product they are developing. What they don’t anticipate is that their one question will prompt us to respond with a dozen questions of our own.

Perhaps the caller simply wants to ask if we can put a release liner on both sides of a double-coated tape, allowing the handler to peel one liner off, put it in position and then 

remove the second liner when the bond is complete. Sure, we can do that.

That’s the simple answer, but it will be delivered with follow-up questions like: Will you need a high or low release value to enable you to press, peel and stick? Should the liners be color coded so it’s clear on the assembly line which liner gets removed first? Do you want removal instructions printed on the liners? Do you need a dry edge to enhance ease of removal?

And on it goes as we guide engineers in designing products,choosing materials and convertingthem to meet their specific needs.

We always tell engineers we consult with that the first step in choosing a release liner isn’t deciding which of the thousands of 3M materials to use.

The first step isn’t even found in the design of the new product.

The place to begin is actually at the end: Brainstorming an assembly process. As you determine your manufacturing process, you’ll uncover information that will lead you to make better decisions on design, materials choice and converting options. That’s why we ask so many questions. 

Read over our guides and contact us when you're ready to review your project. 


Gleicher is proud to be a 3M Preferred Converter for Medical Devices.   


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